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What differentiates NPC Powered by Foodbuy? Our versatile solutions cover your produce purchasing needs. From choosing programs to analyzing your spend data, every step in the buying process is handled with your ROI in mind.

Food Safety and Due Diligence
NPC is committed to preserving and protecting food safety at all levels. PASS (Produce Alert Safety System) is our proprietary system designed to ensure affected parts of the produce supply chain are immediately informed of any safety issues.

Distribution Network
NPC currently works with over 150 distributors across the United States. We monitor national Freight-on-Board (FOB) markets and establish weekly pricing based on market conditions and approved distributor markup. You get accurate, up-to-date information due to distributor communication and daily freight assessments.

Market Outlook Newsletter
NPC Members receive a weekly market report, including any commodities on ALERT as well as proactive buying suggestions. You’ll get details on everything, including weather, transportation, current news, and market conditions on major produce commodities.

Trends and Timelines
Purchasing excellence is all about data. Our industry-leading information database provides thorough information to guide your purchasing plan. This proprietary platform compares the last 3-5 years’ market FOBs to numerous contract designs, so you can make informed decisions.